TIL: I made a rubygem implementing Cloudflare Turnstile for Rubo on Rails

Henrik Hauge Bjørnskov
1 min readFeb 27, 2025


For the last couple of weeks I have been fighting against fake signups on some of my personal Ruby on Rails projects.

In one case it resulted in AWS SES Sending out 3000 signup emails. So a solution was needed.

Luckily Cloudflare have a nice captcha service called Turnstile. Which you might already know by their orange box.

Since I had to implement it across different projects I decided to make a RubyGem called turnstiled(github.com/displayful/turnstiled).

It also implements a mock javascript widget for use in Testing or Development.

Usage is super easy.

Add it to your Gemfile and run bundle install

gem 'turnstiled' 

Create config/initializers/turnstiled.rb and configure it with your site key and secret

Rails.application.config.to_prepare do
Turnstiled.site_key = ''
TUrnstiled.site_secret = ''

Include the javascript in your layout with

<%= turnstile_javascript_tag %>

Render the widget within your forms

<%= form_with model: @some_model do %>
<%= turnstile_tag %>
<% end %>

Then make sure your controller is verifying the request with

class SomeController < ApplicationController
verify_turnstile_request only: %i[create]



Henrik Hauge Bjørnskov
Henrik Hauge Bjørnskov

Written by Henrik Hauge Bjørnskov

I build stuff at Relatel A/S, vivid traveller and gear junkie.

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