TIL: I made a rubygem implementing Cloudflare Turnstile for Rubo on RailsFor the last couple of weeks I have been fighting against fake signups on some of my personal Ruby on Rails projects.Feb 271Feb 271
TIL: How to do Modals with Turbo and RespondersI can’t even remember when I started using the responders gem. But to me it provides a very nice abstraction on the “tedious” respond_to…Feb 15Feb 15
TIL: How to use `class_variants` with PhlexWith Phlex hitting the next major version I decided to try it out and see how I would like it compared to ViewComponents.Feb 15Feb 15
TIL: Insert directly into a table with ActiveRecordRecently I have been on a path of trying out SQLite as an alternative to the PostgreSQL server I have running for my personal projects.Feb 7Feb 7
TIL: How to fix Cloudflare R2 Checksum with ActiveStorageBeginning with aws-sdk-s3 Amazon changed something with calculating checksums. Unfortunately the change is not compatible with Cloudflare…Feb 2Feb 2
TIL: How to use 3rd party Rubygem assets with Vite Ruby/RailsReference assets from Rubygems when using Vite Ruby/Rails.Jul 17, 2024Jul 17, 2024
TIL: How to use the Inline SVG gem with Vite Ruby/RailsSuper easy way of getting svg icons to work with Vite and Inline SVG.Jul 12, 2024Jul 12, 2024
TIL: How to use ActiveAdmin v4 without installing nodejsActiveAdmin is currently working on their next major version which I happily stumbled upon. Since I have been doing some small hacks to get…Jan 28, 20242Jan 28, 20242
TIL: How to use OmniAuth with PasswordlessUsing OmniAuth with Devise is popular and widely used. However, OmniAuth can also be used standalone with other authentication solutions…Jan 20, 2024Jan 20, 2024
TIL: How to integrate Doorkeeper with PasswordlessThis is just a quick post about how to integrate Doorkeeper with Passwordless in Rails.Aug 25, 2023Aug 25, 2023